Memoir #5  

Posted by Lintang Syuhada in

I remember when I was little kid. I think it was in kindergarten, I was learning how to read. The first teacher in my life was my father; he always gave me book and some newspaper to read. Every day he got new book and gave to me, and in the evening we were reading together. One by one word I got from him and he explained to me. It was really fun to read a lot of word that I didn’t know before.
I red book from easy one, with a lot of pictures on it, and explained with easy word. It really help me so much. My dad bought some book with those pictures that represent animal and a lot of things around me. It was kind of like; chair, table, spoon, fork, plate, food, and other things that easy and useful around me. I’m happy right now I can read perfectly.
The books that I learned before was an Indonesia book. It was using Bahasa Indonesia for language. I learned one by one alphabets and how to pronounce it.  I was increasing word every day, and if there was a word that I didn’t understand, I asked to my father, and he answered and explained with gave me image of that word with something easy to find. That way was perfectly use to increase word and how to read it.
After I knew how to read, I read a lot of book with my father, and learned how to understand words and tried to speak in front of people. I learned how to make foods from my father and served it deliciously. He taught me one by one ingredient to make some foods, and also he explained which ones are healthy or even could be used for medicine. I could understand traditional medicine and also made some food that he cooked with me.
I learned how to read poem with expression and movement, and also articulation for each word. It took a lot of practice to be a champion of poetry competition in Indonesia. My father taught me how to make a stomach voice to read poetry. And I could do it now.
I learned how to ride motorcycle, even though it made me fell down in the road couple time and made scar on my skin, but it was so fun to learn how to ride motorcycle. Now I had driving license for motorcycle, and I can ride motorcycle wherever I wanted. I learned so many things from my father and I will always learn from him.

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