Sickness Memoir  

Posted by Lintang Syuhada in

When I was in seventh grade of junior high school, I had a serious sickness. Two months after I entered boarding school, I felt nauseated, and head pain. Almost every day my stomach pain relapsed. I tried to find medicine of treatment at a health clinic near the school. The doctor examined me and gave medicines. I routinely took the medication. Until the drug was exhausted, I still often felt stomach pain and nausea, and was sore, and the head was also sick and dizzy.
Finally I called my father by telephone. I talked about what really happened lately to me. My father immediately came to my dorm and asked permission to dormitory leaders and teachers to take me home. The distance between my house and my school was quite far away, it was about an hour away by motorcycle. My father took me back home and immediately took me to the hospital in Brebes city.
The doctor suggested that I should to stay in the hospital, and I agreed. I stayed in the hospital because it was easier to get the treatments and medication. The doctor said that I had inflammation of the stomach, often referred to as heartburn. I had to undergo intensive treatment, I could only eat soft and mushy foods without spice, that type of foods would not irritated the stomach.
After a week in the hospital, the doctor allowed me to go home. After I arrived home, I continued undergoing treatment with drugs ordered by doctor. I returned to the school, after I asked my father to continue going to school, and he took me to the dormitory. After returned to the dorm, I continued to learn in school. But a few days later the pain recurred, and it made me a very nauseous and sick. I burst into tears and asked administrator’s dorm to call my father back to the dorm.
My father soon came and asked what happened and I explained that I had felt the pain again. My father took the decision to bring me back home and brought to the hospital again. After the check up, I had to stay in the hospital. I was hospitalized a week more. The doctor said that my stomach was inflamed and that increased the stomach acid which made my stomach feel queasy or sick.
I went home after the doctor said I could do the treatment at home. But I still felt the pain and it disturbed my study process at school. Because I had a lot to do I asked permission to leave school for health care. After one month continued of treatment I was often sick and still in the dorms. Finally my father decided to take me home and I received an intensive care at the hospital and home.
I stopped attending school because I was treated for about eight months. The doctor said that I should get surgery, because there was something to be fixed in my gut. It was not only affected my stomach gastritis, but also my gut. How sad my parents were at the time, I was kind like a person who was waiting for the end of my life. I also stopped going to school for a few months. My father asked the doctor what I should have an operation or could use another way to get well. Doctors said, after looking at the results of subsequent abdominal X-ray, if normal, and then I did not need surgery.
Apparently my stomach was just plain sore. The stomach became healthy after about nine months of treatments. I had to repeat seventh grade in junior high. But I felt happy to have recovered fully from the disease even though I had lost a year to learn. I entered a new school after the next school year, and I continue to learn well until I’ve came in America and also I can eat the spicy foods again. 

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